Mladinski center Postojna
 Zmaj kandidature... 5. 8. 2008  
Nove Konzerve
Band Nove Konzerve, ki ustvarja avtorsko rock glasbo, je nastal pred približno letom dni in pol, ko sva se združila vokalist in sprva tudi ritem kitarist Uroš Vučko ter solo kitarist Miha Zupanič. Pol leta kasneje se nama je pridružil sedanji bobnar Miha Cerar, s katerim smo bili zelo hitro na pravi valovni dolžini. Po dolgotrajnem iskanju basistov in poskusih s klaviaturisti, smo se odločili, da v band vključimo še eno kitaro kateri strune sedaj že več kot pol leta pridno navija Matevž Kopitar. Na mestu bas kitarista so z nami v preteklem obdobju sodelovali različni glasbeniki, ter kot vse kaže, bo tako ostalo tudi naprej. Vaje imamo v Moravčah (nekateri se pritožujejo, da trajajo celo večnost), pred nedavnim pa smo v studiu Garbage v Ljubljani končali s snemanjem plošče, kjer nas je k ustvarjanju izdelkov vodila odlična studijska atmosfera ter profesionalna ekipa (Drago Popovič in Bernard Pajk). Naša starost se giblje med devetnajstim in dvajsetim letom, prihajamo pa iz precej različnih koncev Ljubljane in ljubljanske okolice (Mengeš, Moravče, Domžale). V prostem času radi pohajkujemo po lokalih, se družimo in zabavamo, še najraje pa v roke primemo vsak svoj inštrument. Tako pač je. Življenje je rock'n'roll…

Fatima Spar & the Freedom Fries (Aus)
Two years after the release of their debut album, ´Zirzop´, Fatima Spar and the Freedom Fries have established themselves firmly in the Austrian and international music scene. After more than 200 live shows in more than 20 countries around the world, the band is currently working hard on their second album which will be released in the fall of 2008. In a good ´Fatima Spar & the Freedom Fries ´ tradition` , most of the new songs will be tried out live during the upcoming tour that starts in France at the end of March.  

myspace... www...
Fin Fang Foom (ZDA)
A pair of LPs for Lovitt Records, 2001’s Texture, Structure, and the Condition of Moods and 2003’s With the Gift Comes the Curse, found the band streamlining and amplifying upon their math-rock/post-rock sound, and the Foom became popular enough to warrant their first European tour. Given the circumstances of its creation, it’s no surprise that Native Tongue (2005, Native Tongue EP, out now on Japan’s Stiff Slack records) is frankly triumphant: Fin Fang Foom’s glacial gloom is moodier and grander than ever!  

myspace... www...
Hip hop / soul  

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Katanija (Slo)
Smo skupina, ki se 4. leto ukvarjamo z ljudskim glasbenim izročilom Slovenije in Balkana in delujemo pod okriljem Železniškega kulturno-umetniškega društva Tine Rožanc, Folklorne skupine Tine Rožanc.
Želja po obujanju ljudskega izročila Slovenije in Balkana je združila skupino 19 ljudi, ki ustvarjajo od decembra 2003. Vokalno-instrumentalno skupino oz. orkester sestavlja večina ustvarjalcev iz Folklorne skupine Tine Rožanc, Folklorne skupine Emona in drugih glasbenih (rock in funky) skupin, katerih znanje in izkušnje se združujejo v okviru idejnega projekta Katanija (kar je izraz, ki je v srbohrvaškem slovarju razložen kot konjenica). Projekt se razvija izključno iz veselja in navdušenja nad spoznavanjem glasbenih zvrsti slovenskega ljudskega izročila kot tudi ljudskega izročila Balkana, katerega del smo nekoč bili in na nek način v nas še vedno živi.

Vodilo skupine je raziskovanje ljudske glasbe z ljudskimi inštrumenti in ustvarjanje oziroma vključevanje etno prizvokov v glasbo.

7 ženskih vokalov, ter 9 instrumentalistov; 2 harmoniki, 1 violina, 1 kaval (občasno igra tudi na lutnjo), 2 kitari, 1 kontrabas, 1 oseba na tolkalih (tarabuka, tamburin, ropotulje, tapan, zvončki…) tvorijo orkester, ki ima v svojem programu 40 stilsko različnih glasbenih (etno) izvedb iz različnih slovenskih in balkanskih območij; različna področja Slovenije, Hrvaške, Bosne in Hercegovine, Srbije, Črne Gore in Makedonije.

Za sladokusce ali pa "sladoušesce" imamo v našem reperotarju pripravljenih in naštudiranih več kot 40 glasbenih izvedb, iz različnih pokrajin Slovenije in predvsem Balkana.

Guy Buttery (JAR)
Guy Buttery is a critically acclaimed, South African, solo, fingerstyle guitarist, who has, and continues to astound audiences around the world. He has shared the stage with South Africa’s greatest musicians and has received numerous SAMA(South African Music Awards) nominations for both of his uniquely, outstanding solo albums.  

Marcio De Camillo (Bra)
Singer, composer and musician, he grew up in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, the music scene where he composes the initial base of his music style.
In 1996, Márcio released his first CD, named "Olhos d'água", which presented a new fusion of typical Brazilian rhythms.
In 2001 he released the CD "Telepaticamente",with a modern sound as the same time as lyric, mixing technological equipments as samplers and guitars with mandolins and string quartet.
In 2003, Márcio was one of the 25 South American artists selected to participate in Development - workshop organized by Unesco, which took place in Salvador/BA. From this event, the invitation extended to Womex (The Word Music Expo) in Sevilla/Spain. In 2005 he launched his third CD and his first DVD (Marcio De Camillo ao vivo) recorded totally in acoustic format. In May of 2007, Márcio De Camillo launched his 4th CD of his career, "Me deixar levar" with songs composed by himself and partnerships with another sul-mato-grossenses composers.
Viewing a performance voice and impeccable musical maturity coming from his 12-year of career, for the first time recording with "caipira  viola", in addition to his steel viola and the harmonica, reaffirming his potential as instrumentalist.

myspace... www...
Ultra (Slo)
Zgodba skupine Ultra se začne konec leta 2001, s prvim vidnejšim singlom Prebudi se in posnetim videospotom zanj. Sledili so koncerti po vsej Sloveniji, na različnih prireditvah in festivalih. Fantje in dekle so bili že tik pred izdajo albuma, ko se je skupina razšla in je vsak odšel svojo pot. Tako je ideja Ultre poniknila za nekaj časa, a nikoli usahnila. Ustanovnemu članu Tomažu želja po ustvarjanju in glasbi ni dala miru in tako je začel v letu 2004 ponovno zbirati ekipo, kar mu je po vnetem iskanju ujemajoče se ekipe pred poletjem 2005 tudi uspelo. Bend tako sestavljajo Marjeta (vokal), Tomaž (kitara), Jernej (kitara) Maurizio (bas) ter Domen (bobni).  

myspace... www...
Svetlyo Zhilev
Svetlyo Zhilev is a one man band, which makes his performance and
accommodation very easy on a festival or gig. He is playing Bulgarian
gaida (bagpipe), singing and using tambourine at the same time.
His exotic instrument, deep voice and attractive stage appearance
makes him perfect for any show.
Svetlyo mixes the Bulgarian traditional music with elements of Jazz,
Rock, Celtic and other styles.
His repertoire include about 500 composition. 200 of them with vocals.

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Propala Gramota
Ukrajinski roots rock bend.  

Dweal so mariborska pesrpektivna glasbena zasedba, ki navdušuje na različnih koncertnih odrih, saj dobiva na vrednosti tudi in predvsem zaradi izjemnega vokala, glavnega vokalista Matjaža.  Zanimanje za njihovo glasbo je vsak dan večje, skupina se v prihajajočih mesecih odpravlja tudi v tujino. 
Nastopili bodo na majskih igrah, hkrati  pa so dobili  izjemno dobro ponudbo, da kot edini slovenski predstavniki nastopajo na Crossover festivalu v Avstriji.
Trenutno pa so ti meseci namenjeni koncertom v Sloveniji in tako bi radi sem vključili tudi vas. V prilogi vam pošiljam nekaj osnovnih informacij, vsekakor pa menimo, da največ informacij pove sama glasba.

myspace... www...
We Can't Sleep At Night
Od leta 2005 naprej so prekrižarili slovensko klubovje in dokazali, da so ob primerni konstelaciji zvezd zmožni (in primorani) dodobra razgibati obiskovalce in obiskovalke svojih koncertov, vsled česar so bili v letu 2006 s strani Radia Študent izbrani kot del karavane »Klubskega maratona«. Kot vrhunec živega udejstvovanja dojemajo samostojni koncert v okviru festivala Trnfest 07, kjer je bilo očitno, da suvereno obvladujejo tudi večje odre - da podčrtamo njihovo zagretost, za njimi je več kot petdeset koncertov. Po nastopu na Trnfestu, v drugi polovici leta 2007, so se posvetili snemanju. V maju 2008 (bo | je) pri neodvisni založbi Kapa Records izšel njihov prvenec, kjer (bo | je) zabeleženih 13 skladb; od »patriotsko« naravnane Chain me, preko Trigger happy tanks - kjer je lekcije iz igranja surf kitare delil edini gost na plošči, Robi Biloderič iz kultnih Bitch Boys - pa do dobro preverjenih »uniči glasilke« No offense ter diskoidno zaokroženih Tm T Dm in Blokish.  

"Superb third offering from highly regarded Welsh outfit whose sophisticated acoustic folk-fusion is of the least pretentious kind. Alongside an array of instrumental skills (harp, fiddle, flute, guitar) their 'singularity' comes in the form of supremely silky vocalist Gwyneth Keen. Exceptionally fine with crisp and uncluttered production to match."
Froots - April 2008 (issue 298)

Zasedba EasyWalkers, kateri clani so sodelovali z razlicnimi glasbeniki kot so Adi Smolar, Dejan Doslo (ex. Leteci Potepuhi), Frik Brothers, Boris Cavazza, .... Vam v hiso pripelje prvinski blues z legendami bluesa (Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Sonny Boy Williamson, Howlin' Wolf ...).  

Rocola Bacalao (Ekvador)
8 years of existance,4 albums,more than 300 concerts : that's how you can describe Rocola Bacalao in numbers.This amazing band from Quito,Ecuador,has been put in the prestigious list of the 50 best latin bands by Rolling Stone magazine in 2007.
Mixing latin music with ska and punk,they have played the biggest south american festivals(and even headlining Rock al Parque in Bogota,Colombia).But they don't stop there : their level of social consiouscness has led them to participate to the "Ecuador Crece Sin Trabajo Infantil" project,aiming to fight the children's exploatation in their home country.
After sharing the scene with bands like Todos Tus Muertos,Karamelo Santo,Skampida and many others,la Rocola Bacalao will come to Europe in the end of july and during the whole month of august to put some latin fire on the stages they will perform!Not to be missed!

Tigerstyle highly acclaimed DJ set featuring club bangers, exclusive dubs and promos from forthcoming album. Tigerstyle are one of the few Asian acts to have ever recorded a live session for the legendary late Sir John Peel on BBC Radio 1. They were given the opportunity to showcase material from their forthcoming album supported by a full live band and feature vocalists at the first ever BBC Electric Proms in September 2006, and were selected out of 1000s of bands to perform on the first ever BBC Introducing Stage at the Glastonbury Festival in July 2007. Their powerful live performance of “Narm Kalja” with Blitzkrieg & Gunjan, and “Maan Doabe Da”, an exclusive track from their forthcoming album on BBC 2’s Desi DNA Artist Showcase event at Scala in London which aired on the 13th of Feb 2008 has received rave reviews and critical acclaim. “They are without doubt the next Asian/Bhangra act that will break through into the mainstream - it is only a question of time.” (Bobby Friction BBC Radio1)  

youtube... myspace... www...
Ruben Fox
Muzičar živi v Franciji.  

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The Move (Slo)
Jazz skupina. Skupino sestavljajo Lenart Krecic, Igor Bezget, Tadej Kampl, Gašper Peršl in Marko Črnčec pod imenom THE MOVE.  

Neapolis Ensemble (Ita)
The Neapolis Ensemble plays songs and music from Naples. It is composed by Maria Marone (voice), Edoardo Puccini (guitars), Salvatore Della Vecchia (mandola, mandoline), Marco Messina (flutes), Wally Pituello (cello, chitarrone), Raffaele Filaci (percussions).  

I write you to propose you the partecipation of Alexian group in your festival. May be with his gypsy jazz show, or with gypsy music. Please visit his website for further informations.  

youtube... myspace... www...
Kaj te piči, da si v dobi digitalnega v samo ime skupine daš analogno – besedo, ki v trdnjavi digitalnega velja za bogokletno? Glasbeniki so že po svoji naravi pač radi kontra, pop je zanje kletvica in digitalno je danes pop. Glasbeno industrijo poganja digitalno, digitalno je brezhibo, je brez šuma, kot fotografija bejbe v modni reviji, ki so ji digitalnim programom zgladili gubice vse do plastičnosti. Je popolna, toda ni naravna. Digitalno je popolno, analogno vsebuje toplino; digitalno je vedno enako, je multiplikat; analogno je vsakič drugačno, je original. Digitalno je fotografska temnica brez kemije. Analogno je žica, digitalno je zrak. In analogne mašine so čudež, ki se pojavijo nekje vmes. Med telesnim, ritualnim in brezžičnim.
Digitalno je prineslo s sabo marsikaj, kar s pridom izkoriščamo, velikokrat nam prihrani ogromno časa. Vedno več nas je in vedno lažje je. Toda, ali ni absurdno, da se v današnjem času z digitalno tehnologijo zvoku umetno dodaja tisti šum, ki je last analognega! Analogno je nostalgija za dobrim. Kaj naj bo drugega, ko pa živimo v kulturi, ki je hočeš-nočeš digitalna?

Korneevich & Co.
Our partnership Korneevich  & Co. presents to you our original shows
-Plastic equilibrium "Showroom"
-Juggling with life rings
-Juggling with maracas and golden balls together with public
Patters and sketches
-"Drunken sailor" (Bottle-walking)
 And a vast variety of other plastic skethes!

youtube... www...
Big Addiction (Slo)
BIG ADDICTION so oldtime rock v mladi zasedbi. Rock n roll zasedba živi za življenje na odru in zabavo občinstva pod njem. Na novo zastavljajo koncept, ki je trenutno poznan pod imenom Šnorkl band  

Rzepczyno (Poljska)
RZEPCZYNO is one of the most interesting Polish bands; they combine a specific sound of folk music with the energy of rock. The band has a superb way of reinterpreting traditional folk themes and adjusting them to the form of progressive rock. The lyrics which are derived from the original folk tradition provide a springboard for a spontaneous artistic expression. The combination of traditional rock instruments of guitars, bass and drums, with violin and accordion, strengthens and enriches the band and gives them a distinctive recognizable signature sound. RZEPCZYNO created this distinctive style during the bands first years and is now sometimes humorously referred to as ‘agro-punk’. The band has performed many concerts throughout Poland and especially loves the audience interaction with outdoor concerts. Audiences obviously like the band, as expressed through spontaneous dance and exuberance. But RZEPCZYNO is not only received well by Polish audiences, their appeal extends beyond cultural and language differences, something that was particularly highlighted with the concerts in Berlin and Barcelona. The music played by RZEPCZYNO is a kind of mixture of reggae, rock, ska and traditional folk music of Wielkopolska (a province in western Poland). This ‘folk of lowlands’ – in contrary to the music of the mountains – was not well known and used only in an insignificant way in contemporary light music. RZEPCZYNO’s unique approach and expression of this style is their specific ‘discovery’ and it’s popularity is due not only to the strength of the music but also in the powerful lyric. It’s the energy and joy that emanates from their songs that makes it difficult to be indifferent to a RZEPCZYNO concert. Critics too have acclaimed RZEPCZYNO’s music. Some performances of RZEPCZYNO are particularly important. They have played in four ‘Woodstock’ festivals and for the final concerts of a Great Orchestra for Christmas Help. In 2001 and 2002 the band played in Studio 5 TVP (Polish Television) in Warsaw, on the stage located by the Palace of Culture.  

myspace... www...
Godalika je godalni kvartet, ki deluje že četrto leto. Sestavljajo jo profesionalni, akademski glasbeniki Jelena Ždrale (violina, viola), Matjaž Sekne (violina, viola), Klemen Bračko (violina, viola) in Klemen Hvala (violončelo). V preteklih letih so soustvarili različne projekte, med temi najodmevnejši: ODPETI, ki oživlja slovensko poezijo v glasbi, filmsko glasbo za televizijske in dokumentarne filme, glasbo za gledališke predstave ter igrali po različnih koncertih, festivalih in kulturnih prireditvah po Sloveniji (Festival Lent, Festival poezije in vina v Medani, itd).
Leta 2006 so izdali svoj prvenec z avtorsko glasbo Nina De Gleria z naslovom Time 2 start. Gre za svojevrstno izdajo, saj je ponudbe z glasbo za godalne kvartete v Sloveniji malo, sploh pa je svetovna rariteta izdaja godalnega kvarteta z avtorsko glasbo enega samega skladatelja.

Glasbeniki, ki sestavljamo kvartet Jazzilanti, smo se pred tem projektom kalili v najrazličnejših glasbenih zasedbah. Člani zasedbe imamo zato izkušnje z igranjem različnih glasbenih stilov, od klasike, musicala, tanga, šansona, do rocka, funka, latina in popa. Svoje znanje ves čas dopolnjujemo in nadgrajujemo na raznih seminarjih in delavnicah, ki so jih vodili priznani slovenski in tuji glasbeniki (Rok Lopatič, Lovro Ravbar, Matej Hotko, Janez Gabrič, Saša Nestorovič, Matija Dedić, Grete Pedersen, Fillipo Maria Bresan idr.); posamezni člani delujemo tudi pri drugih glasbenih zasedbah (trenutno Big band Zmaji, Big band Grosuplje, mešana vokalna skupina Expe...). Trenutno vsi glasbeniki kvarteta zaključujemo šolanje na Srednji glasbeni in baletni šoli v Ljubljani, na oddelku za jazz in zabavno glasbo, kjer vseskozi iščemo prostor za vaje – od tod ime: Jazzilanti.
PROGRAM zasedbe:
Naš koncert sestavljajo izbrani jazz standardi; to so skladbe, ki imajo različne izvore. Lahko so črnske duhovne pesmi, popevke oz. melodije iz musicalov ali pa so jih tekom zgodovine jazza ustvarili jazz glasbeniki sami. Te melodije (t.i. jazz standarde) jazz glasbeniki vedno znova poustvarjajo in se z njimi preko improvizacije vsakič drugače glasbeno izrazijo. Na povezavi lahko slišite štiri skladbe, ki nekako povzemajo naš repertoar (poudariti je potrebno, da so posnetki snemani v živo in niso bili deležni studijskega šminkanja - prisluhnite glasbi, ne posnetku). Trajanje natopa in število odmorov se dogovori z organizatorjem. Možnost izplačila honorarja tudi preko študentske napotnice.

=> Tour und freie Termine: Sommer & Herbst (ab 12.10. und November) Der außergewöhnliche Sound der fünfköpfigen Band um die Londoner Exilspanierin und Sängerin Monte Palafox ist ein Hybrid aus Flamencogitarren, argentinischem Tangobandoneon, Zigeunergeigen, arabischen Einflüssen, Klezmer und psychedelischen Rockgitarren. Album: "In X-ile" (18.01.2008 - Via Lactea/Broken Silence) ::: Booking : D, AUT, CH ::: Line-up: 6 + 2 Persons  

myspace... www...
Face the Fax (Belgija)
we're FACE THE FAX from Belgium. we're a fast-paced energetic punkrock trio.
think 90s skatepunk with a twist.
anyways, we're currently planning a mini-tour for the summer (august) in the regions of Slovania, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatie, ... we'll be crossing Germany and Austria too.
we would really love to play at zmaj ma mlade!
this will be our first ever tour, it would be awesome if you could hook us up with a show!
our rate is 100-150 euro per show (this is negotiable, our plan is to pay for the gasoline for the van...).
here's our temporary time schedule to give you some clue of when we would be there (it's still flexible though):
(all dates are in august)
11-12: Germany
13-15: Austria
16-18: Hungary
19-20: Slovenia
21-22: Croatia

myspace... www...
Kaja Draksler
Moje ime je Kaja Draksler. Nekaj časa nazaj sem vam že pisala v zvezi z mojim projektom, nedavno pa sta se o njem pogovarjala z Romano Krajnčan. Povedala mi je, da ste zainteresirani, tako da vam ponovno pošiljam podatke o bendu:
George Dumitriu, kitara
Goran Krmac, tuba,
Kaja Draksler, klavir,
Kristijan Krajnčan, bobni.
gosta; Jure Pukl, saksofon,
Robert Jukič, bas
Glasba je v celoti moje avtorsko delo, stilistično se spogleduje z jazzom, vendar vključuje tudi ostale zvrsti: etno, new orleans, drum'n'bass,... glavni poudarek je seveda na spontani improvizaciji...
 Z zasedbo smo decembra lani posneli CD, ki bo poleti izšel pri založbi Goga. V okviru promocije projekta organiziram turnejo konec junija-začetek julija ter prva dva tedna avgusta.

Picore (Šp)
Seen as one of the most expressive new rock bands in Spain, with their own vision of a free post hardcore/avant rock monster that grows. Two albums so far; La Postura Perfecta, 2005 and Lista Completa de Heridos, 2007.  

Havana guns (VB)
Skupini HAVANA GUNS napovedujejo se zanimivo prihodnost, saj bo odslej zanje skrbela agencija, ki medijsko izpostavila zasedbe kot so  Klaxons, CSS, & R Belle & Sebastian, Lykke Li, New Young Pony Club, The Teenager...
Aktualen EP Fun City je kot nalasc za sve ljubitelje prvovrstnega britanskega indie rocka.

myspace... www...
Binho Carvalho Band (Bra/Ita/Slo)
Zasedba: 9 clanska zasedba od tega 4 clanska tolkalska sekcija, dva pihalca, el. kitara, bas in akusti?na kitara
Glasba: Brazilska samba, olodum, samba duro.
Binho Carvalho, glasbeniki po narodnosti iz Kube, ze vec let deluje na podrocju severne Italije, kot pevec, kitarist in avtor. V njegovi karijeri je nastopal v mnogih zasedbah in projektih (Xodo Baiano..) ter bil povabljen na najva?nejse festivale z latinskoamerisko tematiko, kot sta Festival Latinoamericano v Milanu, Samberfest v Trstu in druge v Trentu, Bologni?.

Zasedba BINHO CARVALHO BAND je plod sodelovanja med Binhom in trzasko tolkalsko skupino BANDA BERIMBAU. V letih 06 in 07 so skupaj uspesno nastopili na festivalu EXIT v Novem Sadu, kjer se je porodila ideja o skupini, s stiriclansko tolkalsko sekcijo, dvema pihalcema, el. kitaro, basom in ak. kitaro/glasom.

Skupina izvaja tako avtorsko kot tradicionalno glasbo, ki izvira predvsem iz pokrajine Bahia. To ja najbolj afriski del Brazilje, od koder  Binho prihaja. Samba reggae, olodum, samba duro je le nekaj od zvrsti ki jih lahko slisite in plesete na njihovih koncertih.

Sem orientalska plesalka Djamila,in že nekaj let plešem ter poučujem trebušne plese po celi Sloveniji.Učila sem se pri svetovno priznanih orientalskih plesalkah kot so :Sema Yildiz,Sabuha Shanhaz,Suzana potempa Sofia,Rena Milgrom itd...
Tehnike plesa ,ki jih izvajam in plešem na prireditvah pa so : raks sharky,raks al assaya(ples s palico),saidi,turški čiftateli,egipčanski balady,swword dance(ples s sabljo),veil dance (ples s tančico),sagat(ples  s činelami),drum solo (ples ob daqrbuki),candle dance (ples s svečami ali svečnikom,floor dance (ples na tleh ali sultanov ples),isis(ples s krili).

Creative Cultural Academy (Indija)
Good Morning Sir. We “Creative Cultural Academy“ from India are the  promoters of cultural shows internationally . We manage different troupes with different traditional cultural shows. We would like to participate in your festival with the traditional Rajasthani Folk Dances.  The promotion is strongly propagating the message of love & friendship. Our main motive is to insure a well represented performance of International Standards.
The Troupe presents a mixed combination of traditional  songs and dances, depicting the rich cultural heritage of India. The program will consist of the richest traditions of  Kalbelia performances.
The total team consists of 32 artists who can perform the following items:
1.  Ganesh Vandana     2. Chari Nritya  3. Bhawai Nritya  4. Kachi Godhi
5. Agni Nritya      6. Gramin Bhavai   7. Kathputli   8. Kalbeliya 9.Banjara Nritya
The Rajasthani Troup shall provide the famous Kalbelia Performance, which shall showcase the oldest traditions of Rajasthan in its colorful ethnic costumes from the Sapera Tribes originating from Rajasthan. The Kalbelia represents the world famous “Snake Dance”. The Snake Dance shall also provide the fantasies of Snake Charming. The women folk dancers will perform the Snake Dance, with artistic body movements and be dressed to colorful black costumes. The music will consist of wind instruments for intoxicating the snakes and through the musical instruments, together with a change leather and drum to provide the tunes and beat of the snake charmers music, which is known as the “Been”. The “Been” also is accompanied by country folk singers, who sing and dance to the great traditions of “Snake Charming and Dance”.

Low Value (Slo)
( punkrock/progressive/melodic punkrock)
  -  4 člani Maribor
  -  nastanek banda v letu 2000
  -  veliko koncertov v odigranih Sloveniji in tujini(češka,avstrija,nemčija)
  -  debitantni album Language of stolen music , 1 Oktobra 2005, ki je osnovan na melodičnemu punkrocku plus s kančkimi progresije
  -  izdan v eni izmed večjih Japonskih založb Inyaface Records v Tokiu, požel je veliko uspehov , med drugimi tudi več kot 1000 prodanih izvodov na Japnskem trgu
  -  nastop z znanimi skupinami kot so : NO USE FOR A NAME(US), RENTOKILL(AUT),
  -  znani so po zelo energičnem, odlično izpeljanem nastopu, zelo korektno odigranimi solažami in poigravanji s publiko
  -  so-ustanovitelji slovenske tourneje  GOT PUNK TOUR? skupaj z skupinama Multiball in Backstage.
  -  videospot "Low Value"

Kennybal Smith (Slo)
  - 4 člani Nova Gorica
  - nastanek banda v letu 2001 (ex člani bandov Straightforward in Krik Disneyland )
  - v letu 2005 njihov song "Spirits" izide v pomembni avstrijski punk kompilaciji  A-punk, skupaj z  ostalimi bandi kot so...Suicide Machines, Belvedere, Red Lights Flash, Rentokill....
  - v oktobru 2006 posnamejo prvi demo album in se skupaj z slovensko skupino Golliwog odpravijo  na turnejo imenovano "RESIST FASHION TOUR", ki poteka največ po Slovenskih klubih.
  - Izdan debitantni album Small Actions - Big reactions, 14. Decembra 2007,
  - Gostje na letošnji Mortadelijadi 08 (Ljubljana/Idrija)
  - nastop z znanimi skupinami kot so: BURNING HEADS (Fra), MAD CADDIES (USA) , PEPPER (USA), Al and the black cats (USA),
    Break the Silence (USA), BEERBONG (I), Elvis Jackson (Slo), Fat prezident (Cro), Golliwog (Slo), In-Sane (Slo), Evenrain (Slo), Amanda Woodward (Fra)
  - verjetno eden izmed redkih slovenskih bandov, ki še za biss odigra kakšno priredbo od Motorheadov
  - izid kmalu pričakovanega videa "FREDDY's BACK"

Lucid (VB)
Amazing band 'LUCID', who, over the last year the have been impressing audiences in their homeland (the  U.K.) with an incredible sound, based on credible musicianship and breathtaking harmonies. Offering a totally unique sound LUCID wish to expand their sound outside of local audiences. They have performed at many named festivals in the U.K.   

Mitrras (Slo)
Smo slovenska rock glasbena skupina Mitrras, člani prihajamo iz Logatca in Ljubljane.
Igramo melodično rock glasbo, katera vključuje veliko žanrov.

myspace... www...
Nahemah (Špa)
The spanish band Nahemah has been invited to support Cult of Luna in Chemnitz, Germany. With their original mixture of experimental-progressive metal, and having great reviews and citics all over the world...  

myspace... www...
Teater Cizamo (Slo)
Smo ulicno gledalisce z desetletno tradicijo. Nastopali smo ze na festivalih v dvanajstih drzavah Evrope in na Kitajskem, ter na brezstevilnih festivalih, dogodkih, eventih itd. v Sloveniji, tudi ze na festivalu Zmaj ma mlade.  

myspace... www...
Noelia (ZDA)
Latin Super Star Noelia will be available for Concert dates and Music Festivals in  Europe for the Summer  

Dubioza Kolektiv (BiH)
Izjemen in udaren  bend iz Bosne in Hercegovine je ze veckrat preprical s koncerti pri nas in na tujem. Med drugim lansko leto na glavnem odru Exit festivala, Srbija (2007, main stage), Lent Festival, Slovenija (2007), Balkan Traffic Festival ? Brusel, Belgija (2007), Colour Café Festival ? Brussel, Belgijam (2007), Seasplash ?Pula, Hrva?ka (2007), Fete de L'humanité, Francija (2006), Sziget Festival,Madzarska (2005 in 2006), Topvar Rock Festival, Slovaska (2005 in 2006), Rototom festival, Italija (2006), Colors of Ostrava festival, ?e?ka Republika (2006), Green Valley festival, Avstrija (2006), Soca Reggae Riversplash Festival, Slovenija (2005), Exit Festival, Srbija (2005), Eurosonic Festival, Nizozemska (2005),  Barevná planeta festival, ?e?ka Republika (2005) in nekaj drugih.
Trije vokali in odlicna ritem sekcija, bosnjaski melos in udarni kitarski rock, ki se oplaja z hipnoticnim reggae zvokom. V stilu Asian Dub Foundation ? Senser ? RATM -  Tranglobal Underground. Sodelovali so tudi z legendarnim dub poetom Benjaminom Zephaniahom in Mush Kahanom iz se bolj razvpite pakistansko-otoske zasedbe Fun-da-Mental. Prejeli nagrado Davorin (BIH gl.nagrada) v dveh kategorijah, nominirani so bili v 11 kategorijah. Pesem »Bosnian Rastafaria« je objavljena tudi na promo kompilacija Eurosonic 2005.
V novembru 2007 so se Dubioza Kolektiv mudili na turneji po Spaniji, Franciji, Beneluksu in Nemciji. Na ta nacin se je na najboljsi nacin sklenila uspesna predstavitev drugega albuma »Dubnamite«, s katerim so pomalem prisotni na celotnem evropskem trziscu. Na doma?ih tleh pa je bil v preteklem letu najbolj udaren single-videospot za pesem »Dosta«, v kateri gostuje znani raper Frankie ter revolucionarna pesem ?Svi u strajk?, katero so v prime time (tudi vecerni dnevnik) predvajali tako rekoc vsi domaci mediji. Nedavno so Dubioza na trzisce v BiH pospremili svojo novo izdajo »Firma Ilegal«, album so najavili s prokovativnim in anga?iranim spotom za pesem »Suti i trpi«.  Gost na albumu pa je v pesmi ?Stav? tudi Gino, pevec skupine Kultur Shock.

myspace... www...
Angelo Branduardi (ITA)
This is not a musical, not a concert, not a dance and not a comedy….it is a ‘Lauda’ or rather a representation of all of these forms combined expressively together.
Angelo Branduardi has created a form of representation that goes back to sacred theater that was popular in the Xlll century, meeting with the origins of the Italian language, but being able to be at the same time surprisingly contemporary.
The “La Lauda di Francesco” is the logical and artistic continuation of the project “Infinitamente Piccolo”, the album, that the artist published with EMI in the year 2000. The album sings the “story” and the “Lauda” is put on stage.
“Infinitamente Piccolo” is eleven songs on texts that were taken from Franciscan sources. This album is dedicated to the Holy Saint Francis of Assisi. Angelo Branduardi has made a continuating tour that began in 2006 and has received, with a continuous momentum, a great and unexpected success.

Tide (Slo)
TIDE (SLO/ rock in rokenrol)
TIDE so po uspesni promociji albuma v Mediaparku priceli s koncerti po Sloveniji. Ce skupine se niste gostili v vasem klubu, ali pa v kolikor prirejate festival, prireditev na prostem, in zelite poskrbeti za kvaliteten, vrhunski in avtorski rock vecer, se velja spomniti na TIDE.
Kmalu boste na radio postajah slisali novi single THE URGE, na tv postajah pa videospot za omenjeno pesem. Kadri so bili posneti v zivo na koncertu v Mediaparku, nekaj pa je tudi arhivskih se iz casa snemanja albuma skupine na Nizozemskem. Zivi koncert bomo kmalu slisali tudi na Valu 202 ? Ra Slovenija, obenem pa se Tide promovirajo tudi v Italiji in na Hrvaskem, kjer pocasi dobivajo vedno vec ugodnih kritik in moznosti za zive nastope. Se pred turnejami in festivalskimi nastopi, so Tide na voljo za koncerte tudi v Sloveniji.

myspace... www...
Fatin Traditional
Greeting from Jordanian traditional Folklore. (( Al Ramtha Group ))
We are proud to participate your festivals activities and share
together and exchange our different cultural activities.
As you know, the world become as a small town and we proud to offer you
our Arabian and Jordanian folklore cultural traditional activities,
maybe you don't know much more information about our Jordanian folklores.
but also we need to recognize your traditional folklore.
We may present you our Arabian traditional original coffee in your
festival activities besides that we can also present Jordanian
folklore dance as a group girls with boys together with Jordanian
traditional folklore clothes.

Brath (Špa)
Brath have just celebrated their 25th anniversary this past year with the release of their nineth album studio "Intres", a record with a lot of character that defines the spirit of the band. Influences from african music, balkian music, world music in general mixed with the traditional sounds from galician folk (galician pipes and flutes and percussion) are easily detectable at first contact with the sound of the band. Brath are in the last stage of production of their new album here at our own studios in Sons Galiza. In this 25 years of carreer Brath have been touring almost every year, playing gigs in all Spain, Europe and South America.  

Xua (Špa)
Xua represents the new blood in the spanish folk. This young band are touring now with their debut album here at Sons Galiza, showing why they have generated so much talk since the release of their self titled debut CD. Formed by amazing musicians like accordionist Vadzim Yúknevich or the lead singer Nuria the Leon, Xua creates an aura of misticism and roots having always into account that we are in the 21st century.  

Mercedes Sosa (Arg)
For 40 years the voice of Mercedes Sosa has sung about the joys, sorrows  and hopes of the American continent, but more specifically, Latin America. As a direct descendent of french and amerindian stock, this grand dame of latinamerican song, knows more about the history of this new world than most. Having been exiled from her native Argentina for some years and told the stories of her land to foreign audiences, she has built up an immense international reputation that saw her share the stage with many other of the world's acclaimed artists, such as Pavarotti, Sting, Joan Baez et al. Her latest CD, "Corazon Libre" was released by Deutsche Gramophone and features a lot of classic repertoire as well as much of the new talent on the Argentine music scene. In December, once again she was chosen by the new and first female president of Argentina to sing at her inauguration. Mercedes has won countless awards from the order of merit of the french government, to a grammy award for best album.  

Atroj (Špa)
This group, which was formed in 2007, is made up of members with a
wide variety of musical experience who have elaborated a renovated
Iberian-Bereber style of music.

Pudding Fields (Slo)
Obalna šestčlanska glasbena skupina PUDDING FIELDS aktivno deluje ža skoraj desetletje. Decembra leta 2007 smo pri založbi DALLAS records izdali že tretji CD z naslovom »SREČNI IZBRANCI«. Marca letos smo pričeli z veliko slovensko predstavitveno turnejo, kjer smo že (in bomo) obiskali večino slovenskih klubskih ter festivalskih odrov.  

Strizzy (Slo)

 Glasbeno zasedbo STRIZZY sestavlja sedem članov. Večina izmed njih je akademsko šolanih glasbenikov, nekateri pa študij glasbe še končujejo. Tako zasedba zajema kar sedem različnih glasbenih inštrumentov (bobni, bas, kitara, harmonika, trobenta, pozavna, klarinet), pri nekaterih skladbah pa se jim pridruži še vokal.

Skupina v svoj repertoar vključuje etno glasbo različnih narodov in kultur,
med drugim: makedonska ora (kola), romsko glasbo, klezmer (židovsko glasbo) ter rusko narodno glasbo. Zaradi širokega spektra glasbenih stilov je skupina primerna za nastopanje na festivalih, klubskih dogodkih, porokah, privatnih zabavah ter raznovrstnih prireditvah.


Cakehole Presley (Wales)
Folk Rock band  

Blue Jar (Irska)
Gypsy Jazz band  

Za kultno hrvasko skupino so bile glasbene oznake od vsega zacetka ustvarjanja pretesne. Zato so iskali svoj lasten slog in bili temu primerno tudi posebni na hrvaski glasbeni sceni ter mogoce zaradi tega tudi dlje casa ostali skriti slovenski javnosti. Neupraviceno, saj gre v primeru TBF za najboljso zivo zasedbo, ki je kriticna, duhovita, ima fantazijo in resnicno obvlada svoj posel. Edina prava primerjava bi lahko bili Beastie Boys, ceprav gredo TBF v svoji glasbi se dlje. Izdali so stiri albume »Ping Pong«, »Uskladimo toplomjere«, »Maxon Universe« in »Galerija Tutnplok«. Ze s predhodnjo izdajo so tudi doziveli pravo mero popularnosti in odziv hrvaske glasbene srenje, saj so pobrali vec glasbenih nagrad, med drugim tudi nekaj Porinov. Poleg tega pa so napolnili tudi Dom Sportova in nastopali na glavnem odru Exit festivala. Po 16-ih letih ustvarjanja so TBF na odru boljsi kot kdajkoli poprej in pripravljeni, da svoj sloves upravicijo tudi v vasem kraju.
Hiti: "Yen dva", "Malo san maka", "Daleko od zemlje", "Trilogija jada", "Genije", "Obra?un kod Hakikija", "Alles Gut", "Sareni artikal", "NOSTALGICNA", "UV Zrake", "HEROJIX", Smak Svita?, ??ita?,?
Aktualno: Promocija novega in izjemnega album »Galerija Tutnplok«

Boss tweed (ZDA)

Boss Tweed, ta zanimivi Brooklynski trio iz New Yorka, ki igra izredno privlačno mešanico bluesa, rockabillyja, surfa in rock n' rolla, je skupina kakršne redko srečujemo na koncertnih odrih Slovenije. Trio se je mudil na krajši slovenski koncertni turneji  s skupno štirimi koncertnimi termini (v sklopu širše evropske), v kateri ni zaobšel tudi nastopa na tradicionalnem Ortofestu v Ljubljani.
Gre za trio s povsem izvirnim slogom, ki krasi njihov avtorski repertoar, prekaljene glasbenike, ki se zunaj Boss Tweed udejstvujejo in povezujejo znotraj različnih glasbenih projektov ali drugih žanrskih skupin, zato o visokem pedigreju posameznih članov ekipe Boss Tweed niti ni vredno zgubljati besed, vseeno pa je dobrodošlo, da poudarimo nekaj »osnovnih dejstev«. Srce in duša skupine je šefica Carolyn Sills, ki je pevka s posebnim šarmom in karizmo in njen zapeljivo čuten, erotičen soul glas, ki ne skriva hrepenenja in bolečine, je eden najpomembnejših karakteristik zunanje podobe Boss Tweed. Družbo ji delata simpatični kitarist Gerard Egan, prefinjen mojster tehnike igranja, kar se tiče združevanja prvin rock n'rolla, rockabillyja in bluesa na svoji Gretsch Hollowbody kitari in vsestranski bobnar Eric Reed.


myspace... www...
Emashie (Švi)
Afro-soul-beat. Prisotni na najboljsih evropskih world music festivalih. Aktualen single: Jungle Beat  

myspace... www...
Carne cruda (ZDA)
Latin carribean cumbia boogaloo surf salsa ska rumba
Lansko leto poskrbeli za dobro vzdusnje na stevilnih nastopih po SLO in Evropi! Drugi, novi album je produciral 5 kratni Grammyjev dobitnik Greg Landau.

myspace... www...
Egypt Brass Band (Egipt)
Egypt brass Band  in Cairo intends to participate in your  international festivals music and folklore in your lovely country every year Egypt Brass Band allowed the music and Egyptian folklore dancing in you festivals to allowed to see Egyptian music and Egyptian folklore
.this year your country had been chosen to visit . our band want to
participate the different international  festivals music and folklore in your country
Our group was created in 1983 of 15 Amateur musicians joined together with
the spirit of friendship and music team work.
The group is now of 35 musicians,
Our Program time is from 90 minutes to 120 minutes, our program includes a
variety of Egyptian music and we presented our music in several
countries as

Rudi Bučar (Slo)

Istrski folk-rocker RUDI BUČAR, je mladenič iz Izole,

ki danes predstavlja enega vodilnih istrskih tradikalistov

 - radikalnih presnavljalcev tradicije. Svojo ištrijanskost je

preizkušal že s prvencem Kapot, na katerem je istrsko beneške viže

zavil v plašč lahkotnejših, sredinsko rokerskih všitkov.

Z novim albumom Kambiament pa se predstavlja

v vlogi zrelega misleca in ustvarjalca istrske muzike

današnjega časa, ki drzno in smelo raztaplja

meje med ljudskim ter popularnim.

Zoran Furman (Slo)
Iz potovanj imam pripravljena naslednja predavanja:
9666 km po Nacionalnih parkih ZDA
Na poti po Afriki - Etiopija, Kenija in Tanzanija Plemena,safari in treking na Kilimandžaro
Etiopija- Od severa do juga
Kenija in Tanzanija-Treking na Kilimandžaro
Indija in Nepal-Treking pod Anapurno
Peru in Bolivija – Po sledovih inkovske kulture
JV Azija- Tajska, Laos in Kambodža
ZDA-Poletno delo v kampu in potepanje po vzhodni obali ZDA

Nekaj besed o meni.
Sem Zoran Furman, študent ekonomije na Ekonomsko poslovni fakulteti v Mariboru. Poleg študija me zanimajo tudi potovanja, ki jim posvetim več časa kot študiju.
V zadnjih let odkrivam dežele sveta. Začel sem z avtoštopom  po Evropi- Švedska in Škotska, odkrivanje sveta pa nadaljeval v ZDA, kjer sem preživel poletje 2004 v tradicionalnem ameriškem poletnem kampu. Koncem februarja in v začetku marca 2005 sem se potepal po deželah JV Azije: Tajska, Laos in Kambodža.
Poleti 2005 me je pot ponovno vodila v ZDA, kjer sem preživel še eno delovno poletje, od tam pa sem krenil na pot v Peru in Bolivijo.
Obiskal sem Indijo in Nepal, se potikal po najbolj odročnih delih Etiopije, Kenije in Tanzanije, ter se povzpel na najvišjo goro Afrike-Kilimandžaro.
Poleti 2007 me je ponovno zamikalo začutiti Ameriko. Prve štiri mesece sem preživel delovno, nato pa sem izpolnil svojo večletno željo in se mesec dni potikal po čudoviti ameriški pokrajini, kjer sem obiskal najbolj znane Nacionalne parke.
Doslej sem predaval v številnih krajih na Štajerskem, Primorskem, Koroškem, Notranjskem in v Prekmurju. Bil sem gost knjižnic, mladinskih klubov in drugih institucij.
Pišem članke za razne revije: Spekter, Poslovni list, Otrok in družina, bil sem gost na VTV Velenje in TV Maribor ter na Radiu Štajerski val.
V okviru tematike potopisnega predavanja, lahko pripravim tudi fotografsko razstavo. Iz vsakega potovanja prinesem veliko fotografskega gradiva, ki ga strnem v najbolj zanimivo obliko.
Razstavljal sem na:
STA Ljubljana, Tyler Place (Vermont-ZDA), Galerija Hodnik-Klub Ajdovskih študentov, Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor, Knjižnica Nove Fužine. Vse razstave so bile na temo Otroci sveta.


Fing Fang Foom (ZDA)
A pair of LPs for Lovitt Records, 2001’s Texture, Structure, and the Condition of Moods and 2003’s With the Gift Comes the Curse, found the band streamlining and amplifying upon their math-rock/post-rock sound, and the Foom became popular enough to warrant their first European tour. Given the circumstances of its creation, it’s no surprise that Native Tongue (2005, Native Tongue EP, out now on Japan’s Stiff Slack records) is frankly triumphant: Fin Fang Foom’s glacial gloom is moodier and grander than ever!

myspace... www...
Ognjena poezija (Slo)

Ognjena poezija je ulična predstava (literarno-ognjeni spektakel), v kateri se prepletata slovenska poezija in ogenj.
Besedilo predstave je sestavljeno iz kolaža slovenske angažirane poezije in govori o svobodomiselni ideji in liberalnemu dojemanju sveta, o današnjem svetu in položaju posameznika v njem ter o odnosu avtorjev do teh tem.
Podajanje besedila ustvarja tudi zvočno podobo predstave, ki se dopolnjuje z zvoki, ki jih izvabljata igralca z manipuliranjem ognjenih inštalacij, ki so sestavljene iz različnih materialov in oddajajo različno kvaliteto zvokov.  Besedilo in zvoki pa se prepletajo z igro ognja, ki jo ustvarjata igralca, ki s svojo podobo in ognjenimi inštalacijami  tvorita vizualno podobo predstave. Vsi elementi skupaj (kolaž slovenske angažirane poezije, vizualna podoba igralcev in ognjene inštalacije ter njihovi zvoki) ustvarjajo apokaliptično atmosfero predstave.
Predstava traja trideset min

Performerji: Renata Vidič in Bine Skrt


Simona Semenič (Slo)
Predstava Jaz, žrtev. avtorice in izvajalke Simone Semenič se osredotoča na različne pojavnosti bolezni skozi avtoričino doživljanje. Pripoved tako temelji na avtoričinih izkušnjah z nekaterimi boleznimi, ki so v družbi tabu ali pa vsaj stigmatizirane.  

Barbara Krajnc & Jelenja Rusjan (Slo)
Predstava Vecna Medikacija
performans, narejen v slogu ‘fairground’ (sejemskega) gledališča. Marijs Boulogne obravnava gledališke trike na otrocji, luciden, pa tudi perverzen način. Skatoloska moc je skrita za navidezno nedolznostjo dveh energičnih, radoživih in brezskrbnih deklet. Neprisiljen, samoumeven nacin, s katerim se lotevata obscenosti in nasilja, vodi zaradi predmeta obravnave - spočetja in rojstva bozjega vnuka - v obliko religiozno obarvane pornografije.

Actitud Maria Marta (Arg)
This is a group of girls who don't mince words. Argentinian-raised, they pump out socially committed lyrics, freely fusing hip hop-dancehall with South American music styles like tango, cumbia, vallenat, condombe and other danceable rhythms. Always hand in hand with the social commitment of three Latin American MCs who fight for justice and dignity.
Onstage, they are all fury and attitude, accompanied by one DJ and an accordeon, making music they have taken to stages all over Latin America, from Venezuela to Brazil, Cuba, Chile and Uruguay among others and, of course, Argentina, where they’ve been whipping it up for years.
Now it’s time for the old continent. Actitud María Marta will be taking audince’s breath away at festivals and venues in Europe in July, August & September.

Agrinio folk dance group (Gr)
We are from Greece and from the beautiful city of Agrinio. Agrinio is a town of 100.000 inhabitants in the west Greece near Patras and 300 km from Athens. The dance group was founded in 1976 and it is part of the Cultural Center of the city of Agrinio and consists of people 8-50 years old.Every year 200 and more people learn traditional dances and songs in its classes. We have organized the children’s group and the adult’s group, both groups’ performances that represent our city in Festivals of Greece and abroad.
In our programme which last for 1 and a half hour, we present authentic traditional dances from a lot of regions of our country and with authentic folkloric costumes of each region.
Apart  from these we can present some acts from the traditional pastoral fife. On the other in our programme there is also the most famous latest Greek dance “Sirtaki – Zorbas”.
From 1998 every year we organize the big folk dance festival in Agrinio with 20 folk dance group from all the world. Do not hesitate to contact us, if you require any further information.

Ion (Slo)
ION so moderna rock zasedba, s primesmi funka, hard rocka in balad. Njihova glasba je pritegnila zanimanje tudi iz New Yorka.  

Mladinski ceh
Delavnica "Kam po maturi"
Vsebinski sklopi: odkrivanje in oblikovanje lastnih interesov, prepoznavanje sposobnosti, postavljanje poklicnih ciljev, osebno načrtovanje izobraževanja , analiza stanja, odločanje na poklicni poti

Ze Revengers (Fra)
We are a french band from Grenoble, called ZE REVENGERS. We are playing a
strange émotionnal punk music, with violin, bass and drums, and we are all

Tiken Jah Fakoly (Belokoščena obala)

Following in the footsteps of his musical mentor, Alpha Blondy, Tiken Jah Fakoly has established himself as one of the figureheads of the new reggae scene in Africa. Fusing his infectious reggae beat with hard-hitting lyrics, Tiken Jah has become a spokesperson for an entire generation of music fans, speaking out on political and social issues through his songs.

Tiken Jah Fakoly was born in 1968 in a village in the north-west of Ivory Coast into a family belonging to the griot caste. Tiken's music was successful and soon crossed national borders and spread to Europe. He was already a star in West Africa when he moved to Paris as a consequence of political trouble in his home country. Soon he was signed by Barclay (Universal Music) and his first album there (the sixth in Tiken Jah Fakoly’s career), Francafrique, made him win the title of Best World Artist at France’s 2003 Victoires de la Musique awards. Like the following album Coup de gueule it was produced in the legendary Tuff Gong studios in Jamaica. Both albums have sold over 100,000 copies each and propelled Tiken to currently be the best selling African Reggae artist. His new Album L’African is released in autumn 2007.

Tiken Jah Fakoly is not only a star in Africa and in France where he played more than 200 concerts since 1998, filling arenas during his 2005 Coup de gueule tour (and again in autumn 2007, with L’African).

He is becoming a star in Europe and America, too. In 2005 he performed as guest of Youssou N’Dour at the United Nations Organisation’s 60th anniversary concert in Geneva. At the world music tradefair Womex 05´ Tiken Jah demonstrated with an explosive performance why he is one of the most requested African and reggae-artists of the moment. His first international album was released a few months later. As a consequence, he performed at many important festivals (Roskilde, Couleur Café, Rototom Sunsplash, Sziget, Dour Festival, Summerjam, Chiemsee Reggae, Africa Festival Würzburg, Sunsplash Wiesen, Two77Splash Amsterdam, Stockholm Festival, …). By critics and audience, Tiken Jah Fakoly’s performance was considered to be among the best at most of these festivals. He has so much energy and power, an authentic musical jewel!


A Tribute to Andy Palacio feat. the Garifuna Collective & Umalali (Belize)

Following and supporting the wishes of the whole Garifuna community and it´s musicians to continue with Andy Palacio´s legacy, we want to announce for this summer 2008 a Tribute project that will come to Europe to present a solid and consequent program with it´s purpose and on top a spectacular live show. The Tribute band will be formed by Andy Palacio´s Garifuna Collective and some really talented Garifuna musicians that already made substantial collaborations in Andy Palacio´s debut album, Wátina. More…

Original artist information on our homepage:

Andy Palacio is currently the most popular musician from the Central American country of Belize and a cultural ambassador for the Garifuna, a unique African-Native American culture.

The debut “Wátina” received critical raves around the world and was awarded countless international prices. For several months the album was placed in the Top 5 of the European World Music Charts, and was selected as the top album of the year by the WMCE Panel. In October 2007, Andy Palacio will receive together with Ivan Duran, the producer of his record, the prestigious WOMEX-Award in recognition of his outstanding work.

On his first European tour in May and June 2007 Andy Palacio and the Garifuna Collective played nearly 20 shows at important festivals in Germany, UK, France and BeNeLux. Andy Palacio & the Garifuna Collective will be touring Europe this November, and again in the summer of 2008 with special guests from Umalali, a magnificent Garifuna women’s project whose album will be released by Cumbancha in spring 2008.

The Garifuna people live on the Caribbean coast of Central America. Palacio grew up in a small village surrounded by his unique traditions, which are based on elements of West African and Native Caribbean heritage. He speaks and performs in the Garifuna language, which was declared by the UNESCO in 2001 as an Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.. For Palacio, music has been the tool which he uses to promote and maintain his culture at home and abroad.

During the 1990s, Palacio became a star of punta rock, a popular yet unsophisticated party music. But his long-time collaborator and producer Ivan Duran convinced Palacio that he should focus on less commercial forms of Garifuna music and look more deeply into its soul and roots. Duran and Palacio set out to create an all-star, multi-generational ensemble of some of the best Garifuna musicians, naming it the Garifuna Collective. Their debut album “Wátina” (2007, Cumbancha) explores the more soulful side of Garifuna music. It includes powerful messages and symbols about cherishing and celebrating their culture, and is marked by enchanting rhythms, strong melodies and deep soulfulness.


Caravan Palace (Fr)
Paris gives Swing its adequate stand in the 21. century and already gathered a remarkable fan base in France.

Initially, the band was formed by a double-bass, a guitar and a violin player, who not only shared a high passion for Swing Jazz, but also an affection for experiments in electronical music, and so it comes as no surprise that they name as their major influences Django Reinhardt and the French electro-duo Justice. Thrilled by this blending of musical styles, a second guitar and a clarinet player, a DJ and a singer soon joined the others, bringing to life a band that combines experienced musicians and young talents of the French electro- and jazz scene.
The songs unfold their full potential when played live on stage, where they are accompanied by projections of films, revealing the music’s cinematographic dimension.
In June 2007, Caravan Palace managed to sell out the prestigious “Nouveau Casino” in Paris, and with their explosive mix of Gipsy Jazz and electronic rhythms made the crowd boil with joy.
Their enormously danceable songs and the band’s stunning stage presence spread enough energy to take over the entire hall. The band being dressed in the Zazou-style of the 1930s surely adds to their breathtaking performance. And so does the unique voice of charismatic lead singer “Latoya” Zoé, always in perfect harmony to the sparkling groove of the band.
With their showcase at Womex 2007, Caravan Palace clearly marked one of the major surprises of this year’s fair. The audience, consisting of course mainly of professionals and experts, just went wild, and even here, no one in the crowd could resist the urge to dance.

Vive le Swing!!

Khaled (Alžirija)

Khaled is without any doubt the best known raï -singer in the world. Venues are always packed to capacity, when this charming man celebrates the most emotive performance that you might have seen in your life. When he starts Didi or Aicha, he doesn´t need to sing – the audience does. His fans are the most loyal a musician can imagine – and truly love him. Innovating, brilliant, popular in his music - curious, open minded, non-dogmatic, sexy: Khaled is a phenomenon. He has been revolutionary to Arab music and invented the raï. His significance to the modern Arab culture, in North Africa and in Europe, is enormous.
Khaled started singing as a young guy in the 70’s. At that time there was popular wahrani an underground music, acoustic and heavily percussive, sweetened by the accordion. The music, as befitted its lyrics, was rough and ragged. But it was changing, and Khaled was part of the vanguard that altered raï forever. He was already a star among the Algerian youth when he moved to Paris in 1985. The career he developed there since then is really exceptional in world music. Khaled has witten worldwide hits and sold millions of records (and cassettes). N’ssi N’ssi, Sahra, Kenza … 1,2,3 soleil – these albums were a huge success since the early 90’s and songs like N’ssi N’ssi, Didi and Aicha conquered the pop charts all over the world.
His latest release, Ya Rayi, shows again his sensibility and force. Being more acoustic than the previous ones the album brings Khaled back to his roots of raï. At the same time it is modern, blends the Arab sounds with flamenco and other influences.
Khaled has toured a lot throughout Europe and lately also in the USA (where Santana went on stage to play with him) and demonstrated that he is a real magnet for the audience, His excellent band that remains the same for many years, supports his brilliant voice with a powerfull groove. Lately, as a consequence of Ya Rayi, Khaled played in theatres and classical music halls, his performances being more acoustic.

More than ever, Khaled is a herald of free spirit and of peaceful co-existance of cultures.


The Idan Raichel Project (Izrael)

The New York Times describes Idan Raichel as the Middle Eastern Peter Gabriel because both share a similar multicultural musical approach and message of tolerance. The Idan Raichel Project has sold more than 250.000 copies of it’s first two al-bums and they will release their third CD in 2008. That year will also be the 60th anniversary of Is-rael’s independence, therefore a lot of media and events will focus on Israel’s music and decade with his project, Idan Raichel has become one of the most important Israeli musical phenomena of the last!
While recent headlines are dominated by news of conflict and war in the Middle East, this Israeli musical collective has achieved success by looking beyond intercultural differences and celebrating the value of diversity. With its blend of traditional Ethiopian folk music, Arabic poetry, Yemenite chants, Biblical psalms and Caribbean rhythms, The Idan Raichel Project has already taken Israel by storm with multiple number one hits and multiple platinum sales and already performed to sell-out crowds in prestigious venues all over the world in places such as Paris, Brussels, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Singapore and many more.
With its multicultural influences and implicit messages of unity and respect for diversity, The Idan Raichel Project presented for the first time the new face of Israeli popular music. The moral of the fable is imbedded in its texts of love and faith, spun in ancient languages sung and spoken amidst the mystical ambiance of its exotic, otherworldly melodies.
In November 2006, the international CD release of The Idan Raichel Project by Cumbancha got very good reviews in media and press all over Europe. The next album will be out in 2008 and will count with many international guests that will join Idan Raichel in his new project. With a powerful live show, The Idan Raichel Project has inspire new audiences all over the globe and will tour in 2008 to present it’s new work to European audiences!


Yerba Buena (ZDA)
After attending one of their earliest showcases in New York, Ben Ratliff of The New York Times hailed Yerba Buena as "one of New York’s best new dance bands, mixing up the Latin boogaloo of the 60’s, Cuban religious music, some American soul and Fela-like Afrobeat. It’s a history of the transmission of Yoruban culture in a nutshell, and it’s a good party."

a joyful, ever-evolving, border-hopping groove” – New York Times

 “a sizzling jam session” Wall St. Journal

"…the future sound of Afro-Latin Urban America”
Interview Magazine

  "Yerba Buena takes Afro-Latin fusion to new heights…surprising and fresh new sound"
Los Angeles Times

 "… a musicologist's dream” – New York Times

All the critics seem to be rooting for Yerba Buena to hit it big with their latest release, Follow Me (Wrasse). Cutting a bigger slice of the demographic pie (cumbia, boogaloo, afrobeat, hiphop),  these creolized New Yorkers remain an urban Latin party band to be reckoned with, with an all-star guest roster and a geographically shifty palette of worldgrooves, masterminded by guitarrist/ producer/ composer Andres Levin.

“Andres Levin has emerged as the master chef of urban fusion” Los Angeles Times

 Along with Andres 2 cuban lead singers are the founding members and backbone of Yerba buena. The charismatic female vocalist Cucu Diamantes also responsible for composing many of the songs. And Pedro Martinez whose soultry vocals and mastery of afrolatin percussión complete the yerba buena sound. The trio is acompanied by an allways evolving cast of new yorks best musicians. Master Violinist Alfredo de la Fe. Drummers Mauricio Herrera and Skoota Warner Bassists Panagiotis Andreou and Sebastián Steinberg etc.  A musical collective with the spirit of a gipsy caravan Yerba Buena’s acclaimed live shows are known as an ultimate urban tropical party.

"NYC's most combustible Afro-Latin dance group, Levín may well ignite the first U.S. urban Latino music revolution since the 1970s. The addictive combination of Nigerian Afrobeat, East Coast hip-hop, Nuyorican boogaloo, and Afro-Cuban... gets only more potent live” Village Voice.


Buika (Špa)

In Spain, where she grew up, Concha Buika is considered as the new star of flamenco music - an aspiring female singer whose voice is described as being a mixture of Tina Turner, Lora Flores and Sarah Vaughan. However, Buika is definitely noncommittal to one specific style of music. Moreover, she picked up the twofold influence of her origin. Being the child of African parents who immigrated to Spain as their political exile before her birth, she grew up on the island of Mallorca. In her family, music always played an important role. During her childhood in Spain, she also became acquainted with Gypsy families and spent parts of her free time with making music with them.
Her personal background has left its traces on Buika`s music, in which she combines elements of soul, hip hop, jazz, copla and flamenco. Hence, Buika is especially marveled at her ability to cope with every style of music.
After featuring several reputable deep house productions and bringing out her first solo CD “Buika” in 2005, now she is attracting attention for her music again: her current album “Mi Niña Lola” received the award for Best Produced Album at the Premios de la Musica, which can be considered as the Spanish equivalent to the Grammy awards. “Mi Niña Lola” is featured by an all-star line up, among them the Latin Jazz trumpeter Jerry Gonzales, the flamenco guitarist Niño Josele and the famous song writers Manuel Quiroga and his collaborators Salvador Valverde und Rafael de Léon. The album is produced by the Grammy winner and highly appreciated producer Javier Limón (Bebo Valdes/Diega El Cigala: Lagrimas Negras, Paco de Lucia and many others). The Spanish newspaper El Pais calls the album “a revolution”, the Sunday Times exults “a star is born.” The 88-year-old Chavela Vargas adopted Buika as her musical godchild and predicts a great future to her.
Buika is well-known for her extraordinary impressive live perfromances, full of energy and emotions. This reputation is also reflected in her remarkable concert history: in 2007, buika was on an extended tour all over the globe, alluring and fascinating music-lovers in the world's greatest cities. In fall 2007, she performed in several big cities in the USA and she is also looking back to a succeful tour in France. We hop to see her soon in Central, Northern and Eastern Europe! A new album will be released in April 2008


Kevin Johansen (Arg)

Kevin Johansen, the Argentinean singer songwriter born in Alaska, has once again snagged three Latin Grammy nominations ... for the third time in a row! This time for his latest album entitled "Logo", that he recorded with his band "The Nada", in the categories:

- Best Alternative Music Album "Logo"

- Best Alternative Song "Anoche Soñé Contigo"

- Best Short Form Music Video "Anoche Soñé …”

Kevin has been previously nominated for an American Grammy in 2005 for Best Latin Pop Album ("City Zen") and received 3 additional Latin Grammy nominations for "Album of the year", "Song of the Year" and "Best Video".

"Logo" (Kevin Johansen's 4th studio album) is an ironic twist on Naomi Klein's "No Logo", featuring special collaborations with Andrea Echeverri from Atercioplelados, Amparo Sanchez of Amparanoia and Paulinho Moska from Brazil, among many other international guests. In this new album, KEVIN explores various rhythms and elements of the Americas all handled with an "almost" pop sound. Kevin constantly surprises due to his eclecticism, bilingual lyrics and the subtlety of his songs. Because he cannot be defined into one specific style, he often likes to define himself both as "de-genre-ate" (or lacking specific genre) and a "Subtropicalista".

Kevin Johansen, son of Argentinean mother and American father, grew up in Alaska but he considers himself Argentinean as he discovered the country when he was twelve years old. However, he also lived in big cities such as San Francisco, New York and Montevideo. He lived in NY in the 90's where he founded his band "The Nada".

Johansen continues to surprise both Anglo and Latin audiences throughout the Americas and Europe. He's been touring Latin America, US & Spain (where his albums were released) but also UK, Germany, Belgium, among other European countries (the last tour was in 2006).


La Shica (Špa)

La Shica represents, even in Spain, a really new and fresh proposal that has already gained the respect of specialists and audience. Despite the young formation of this group, they have managed to impress with their charismatic Flamenco Fusion promoters and audiences everywhere they go! Normally her concerts finish with several encore and standing ovations. Formed only 3 years ago, they have already achieved to fusionate with an astonishing harmony, several sounds, grooves and riffs from different music styles as flamenco, Hip Hop, Reggae or Bossa Nova.

The body and soul of La Shica (in Spanish: the girl) is the charismatic lead singer Elsa. Elsa grew up in Ceuta (Spain) moving to Madrid as a teenager with a clear purpose: become an artist. And she did. She studied at the prestigious flamenco dance school Amor de Dios were she met and worked with some of the best like i.e. Manuel Reyes or Rafaela Carrasco. After her studies she attracted attention performing soon as soloist dancer in several tablaos flamencos and prestigious dancing companies.

Parallel to that she has been singing since the very beginning, then according to her own words “dancing and singing simply belong together”. Though you can hear the influence of  some of her singing teachers like i.e. Eliseo Parra and Rafael Jiménez “El Falo”, Elsa has her own way of understanding flamenco. And exactly this is what marks the identity of La Shica: accompanied on stage and supported by her two “palmeras” (Spanish flamenco expression for the back vocal singers and dancers who help with their hand clapping and singing to support the rhythm of the songs and to enliven the performance of their lead singer/dancer Elsa Rovayo), a very creative rhythm section (percussion and double bass) and the talented flamenco/Brazilian guitarist Fernando de la Rúa, Elsa achieves to capture the audiences with her grace and talent from the very first note, mixing the elegance and the intensity of traditional flamenco dance and rhythms with some modern beats and grooves of hip hop reflected symbolically in her short hair and her golden tapping shoes… . In October 2007 La Shica will have a Showcase at the WOMEX, and in the second quarter of 2008 she’ll release their new album on Warner Music. La Shica is different - Check her out!.


Mercan Dede & Secret Tribe (Tur)

Mercan Dede, being an accomplished DJ, musician (Ney & drums) and producer, has performed with musical personalities such as Dhafer Youssef, Natacha Atlas, Omar Sosa, Susheela Raman, Transglobal Underground and many others.
The inspirational force behind the work of Mercan Dede is unique. When he takes the stage with his band, he hovers at the side behind his turntables and electronics. Along with the groups’ stunning performances and the group’s spectacular dervish dancers he is ever on the lookout for new collaborators, no matter which country or generation, to create universal language.
A profoundly spiritual individual, Dede found the traditional Sufi understanding of music as a means to uplift and harmonize the soul reflected in the rave/nightclub scenes of Europe and North America. He began spinning vinyl at the age of 23 under the name DJ Arkin Allen, often accompanied by musicians.
In his latest album Breath, Dede collaborates with great local and international musicians. By drawing inspiration from the core elements of the earth in his four part Anasir-I Erbaa series, Mercan Dede follows up his previous two releases Nar (Fire) and Su (Water) with Nefes (Breath) a musical exploration dedicated to the third element air.
Since his very successful showcase at Womex in 2002, in numerous renown festivals (of different types such as Montreux Jazz Festival, Ars Electronica and Stimmen Lörrach) over the years he has proven to be a master in communicating the intrinsic harmony of the universe through his music.
A Turkish newspaper referred to him as a "dervish for the modern world". As such he will continue to delight his audience including DJ-sets, visual arts as well as dance & theatre elements. A new album will be released in early 2008.


Susheela Raman (VB, Indija)

Susheela Raman won with her debut album ’Salt Rain’ the BBC Newcomer Radio 3 Award for World Music as well as the prestigious Mercury Music Prize. And since then, she has gained more and more international recognition from media and audience and hasn’t stopped being present in the international music scene playing festivals all over the world like i.e. The Harbourfront Festival in Toronto and the Ottawa Jazz Festival, but also European ones like i.e. the Montreux Jazz Festival, the Sziget Festival and many more.
Her third Album, “Music for Crocodiles”  proved already her incredible artistic development.  But it is her present album “33 1/3” that marks Susheela Raman's artistic coming of age. Brimming with creative energy, strong emotion, and musical ambition, the record is both reflective and playful. It marks the arrival of Raman as a British artist of real note and delivers on the promise of her 3 former albums. She creates a new identity through her voice, culture, and song.  The BBC said recently about Susheela´s 4th album: “It’s a brave record, covering sacrosanct songs by hallowed
20th century artists including Lou Reed, Bob Dylan , John Lennon , Jimi Hendrix and Joy Division, but Raman rises to the challenge! Rock classics are imbued with gentle Afro-Asian hues, making many of these timeless songs entirely her own”.
Born in London to Tamil parents and raised up in Australia, she grew up in a home full of Carnatic music (the South Indian classical tradition). Teenage rebellion led her towards black American soul, blues, and funk, and at just 16 she was leading her own funk & soul band in Sydney. In 1997 she moved to London and met guitarist and World music-Producer Sam Mills. They began to develop a new sound drawing on Indian and Western influences and encompassing English songs, Sanscrit texts, their own compositions and reinventions of songs from the Carnatic repertoire.
Her present work is about great songs imaginatively played and beautifully sung and her live performances are stronger than ever before. In 2008 she will present her new repertoire so don´t miss to book her now!


Jorge Drexler (Urugvaj)
orge Drexler is a poet and a singer, a composer and a visionary. Drexler´s very unique style of fusionating with an astonishing naturalness traditional folkloric Latin-American rhythms with the most modern electronic samplers and jazz harmonies, has granted him well deserved international recognition:

In 2001 his album “Sea” was nominated for the Latin Grammy Awards as well as for the MTV Latin Awards and was voted one of the 10 best albums of the year by the prestigious Rolling Stone Magazine in Argentina. In 2003 the song “Perfume”, which he co-wrote with Bajofondo Tango Club, won a Premio Gardel (the most prestigious music award in Argentina) and a Latin Grammy. In 2004 Drexler`s album “ECO” was nominated for a Latin Grammy. In 2005 he won with his song “Al otro lado del río” the Oscar in the category

“Best Song” for the film “The Motorcycle diaries”. It was the first time in the Oscar´s history that the Academy granted this award for a song written in a different language than english. In 2006 he was nominated in the category “Best latin pop album” for the Grammys.

The multiple nominations and finally the Oscar spread the word about Drexlers music, and so he started to tour very successfully new territories from USA to South America most of the times in sold out venues. Performing in theaters, auditoriums as well as world music and jazz festivals, he proved many times that his versatile music style fits in a very wide range of events. Drexler has played recently different European cities i.e. Madrid, Paris and Berlin to present to the European audiences his new album “12 segundos de oscuridad” gaining everywhere overwhelming reactions!

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